
Omegas are unsaturated fatty acids and are essential for the proper functioning of our body. If we do not get enough omega from our diet, it is useful to take supplements. 

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There are 3 products.

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Omega 3 - 6 - 9

Omega 3 - 6 - 9

1 pill box, 60 capsules

Omega 3 Krill ® - capsules

Omega 3 Krill ® - capsules

1 pillbox, 45 or 90 capsules

Collagen Muscle Relax

Collagen Muscle Relax

220g jar of powder

In order to better target your needs, we offer several types of Omega: Omega 3 Krill, Omega 3-6-9 and Omega 3 Vegan.