Collagen: an essential protein?

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our bodies. Skin, muscles, joints, and cartilage, you can find it throughout our organism.
It is mainly known for its ability to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. But do you know all its benefits?

What is collagen?

Collagen is a fibrous protein, which is the most abundant in the human body.

We commonly refer to "collagen," but it would be more accurate to speak of "collagens": it is a family of different molecular proteins.

We can find it in most nervous, muscular, and connective tissues. Representing nearly 70% of the weight of our skin, this protein constitutes the majority of our body's tissues.

Together with elastin and hyaluronic acid, collagen is essential to maintain the skin's resistance, elasticity, and help in tissue regeneration. Hydrolysate is the result of an advanced transformation of gelatin: it is also known as "collagen peptides."

What are the different types of collagen?

There are about twenty known types of collagen produced by our bodies.
The most important are types I, II, and III collagens, which alone represent 80% of the collagen in our bodies:
- Type I collagen: it is the most abundant in the body and is mainly found in organs, skin, tendons, and ligaments. It provides strength and elasticity to tissues. Type I collagen helps keep hair and nails strong; supple skin, and helps the epidermis regain its shape after movement.
- Type II collagen: it is located in hyaline cartilage. It forms fibrils and protects our joints by preventing friction between bones. A lack of type II collagen often leads to joint pain.
- Type III collagen: found in the skin, vascular system, muscles, tendons, and organs. This collagen helps preserve skin hydration and muscle elasticity.
The different types of collagens each have their function and importance: they allow for a better understanding of diseases related to this protein.
They are also necessary to better understand the therapeutic use of the entire collagen family. Collagen and its different types thus have specific roles to play throughout our bodies.

The role and functions of collagen in the body

Collagen is a structural protein: its goal is to ensure the maintenance and resistance of tissues throughout our body. It is mainly known for its effects on tissue support, elasticity, and regeneration.

Collagen also plays a role in cellular adhesion control: it regulates cell binding and maintains an organism in a physiological state (most often called "good health").

This protein also aids in cell migration: this mechanism contributes to the development of organs and tissues. It is also through this process that wound healing takes place.

But did you know that collagen plays a crucial role in the circulation of vital elements?

Indeed, this protein is necessary for the interaction of fluids and nutrients with tissues and blood vessels. Little known, this property of collagen is nevertheless essential: it ensures the maintenance of vital functions (often called "homeostasis").

Finally, it seems that collagen also participates in immunoregulation in the development of cancer cells.

It is therefore necessary to maintain, or even develop, its production: could dietary supplements be a solution?

Bioavailability of collagen peptides in dietary supplements

Collagen extracted from connective tissues such as skin or bones is called "Native." It has a high molecular weight and cannot be used by the body: it is essential to transform it into hydrolysates or peptides before using it.
The process called "hydrolysis" allows this large protein, collagen, to be broken down into peptides or amino acids of smaller molecular weight, more easily bioavailable by the body, and thus improve its absorption.
Bioactive collagen peptides are polypeptides capable of surviving digestion processes and crossing the intestinal barrier largely intact to exert their bioactivity on targeted tissues and organs.
Collagen peptides are very rich in Proline amino acids, which form peptide bonds more resistant to enzymatic degradation. Collagen peptides absorbed orally (collagen drinks, collagen capsules, collagen sticks, etc.) can thus cross the gastric lumen and be assimilated at the intestinal level. It is this specific polypeptide structure that facilitates its transport through the intestinal villi.
Regarding its transport, collagen in the form of short chains of amino acids can easily cross the intestinal barrier through cell junctions. This type of transport is called "paracellular transport." Once in the bloodstream, collagen peptides can reach different tissues, and thus exert their action on fibroblasts, the main cells responsible for collagen production.
Regarding its distribution, in vivo experiments indicate that orally administered collagen peptides are transferred to the skin and remain at a high level for 14 days. Collagen can then restart endogenous production by its action on fibroblasts, and peptides made up of proline and hydroxyproline will strengthen the construction of collagen fibers and improve tissue and skin structure.
Generally, collagen is a protein with a significant molecular weight. It can thus hinder its proper absorption by the body. The high bioavailability of Biocyte dietary supplements is due to a lower molecular weight of the collagen active ingredient: its low weight thus allows maximum assimilation. This is notably the case for marine collagen.

The importance of collagen for health and well-being

Collagen is an ally of our shape and well-being on a daily basis. It contributes particularly to the good health of our tissues such as the skin, hair, or nails. Skin is one of the main components of our body and requires constant attention.

Collagen can contribute to its maintenance and preservation.

Its positive effects have been demonstrated on the skin, especially in the following cases:
- Increased elasticity
- Better hydration
- Facilitated wound healing
- Slowing down of skin aging in the short term

Whatever your skin type, Biocyte's skin dietary supplements meet your needs safely.

Do you want to optimize your skin's hydration and strengthen its elasticity?
It has been proven that supplementation with hydrolyzed collagen significantly improves skin hydration and elasticity. The effects may vary depending on the source of collagen and the duration of supplementation.
With our natural collagen actives, benefit from the best of collagen hydrolysate for your skin.

Would you like to facilitate wound healing?
Collagen accompanies the cell migration process that contributes to wound healing.
More specifically, the importance of type V collagen in regulating the size of cardiac scars has been demonstrated.
Facilitate your healing with the natural actives of our dietary supplements made in France.

Do you want to slow down skin aging?
Supplementation with collagen peptides can positively influence wrinkle characteristics (skin roughness and wrinkle height), without any adverse effects.
Prevent skin aging safely by supplementing with Biocyte.

Successful collagen supplementation for your skin also involves taking care of your lifestyle: find all our tips for maintaining it and having beautiful skin every day.

Collagen also contributes to the health of your hair and nails.

It is possible to preserve them with appropriate dietary supplements for hair and nails.

Do you have brittle nails and/or slow growth?
Supplementation with bioactive collagen peptides for nearly 6 months allows for a +12% increase in nail growth and a -42% decrease in breakage.
This improvement can even last for up to 1 month after supplementation stops.

Type VI collagen could also play a role in hair loss.

To benefit from all their benefits, it is advisable to take cures regularly and throughout the year.

The decline of collagen with age and its effects

Collagen production declines with age: we would lose about 1% of our collagen every year from the age of 25!

It can also decrease due to genetic pathologies (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome linked to joint hypermobility) or insufficient dietary intake.

The decrease in collagen production in the body can lead to many inconveniences such as:

- A loss of tissue vitality
- Longer healing time
- Lower quality connective tissues
- Joint pains
- Premature aging

Prevention is therefore crucial: why not opt for supplementation?

It has been proven that supplementation with collagen peptides is the most beneficial solution in improving joint functionality and reducing pain.
This supplementation must be combined with physical exercise for maximum effectiveness.

Furthermore, clinical studies have shown that continuous collagen intake can prevent pain and bone density loss. Taking vitamins against aging is therefore recommended to preserve your tissues, bones, and cartilage.

At Biocyte, we offer supplements that also meet these specific needs.

Choose our range of express collagen capsules: it is dedicated to preventing aging and facilitates firming and density.
For maximum effectiveness, choose a 6-month cure.

Dietary supplements based on collagen

Generally, dietary supplements support your body on a daily basis.

In the case of collagen, it can help you:

- Preserve your tissues and bone structure
- Improve healing
- Densify your skeleton
Sometimes, diet alone may be sufficient in collagen intake.

Supplementation can be an effective support over a shorter or longer period, depending on your overall health.

There are currently 2 main sources in the manufacture of collagen dietary supplements:

- Bovine collagen
It comes from gelatin, made from the skin and bones of cattle and pigs.
This type of collagen is most frequently used in supplements.

- Marine collagen
This is often made by processing fish scales, skin, and bones.

The collagen in these dietary supplements is hydrolyzed into peptides: this process separates the amino acids.

Since the body only assimilates collagen in the form of amino acids, this transformation is essential for maximum absorption.

At Biocyte, you have everything you need for good collagen supplementation:

- Natural actives
- Concentrated hydrolates
- French manufacturing
- Guaranteed ingredient traceability
- High-quality for each product

Choose Biocyte supplements with confidence: all our formulas are subject to control by the General Directorate for Competition, Consumption, and Fraud Control (DGCCRF).

The interaction of collagen with other nutrients

Collagen production can also be boosted by interaction with other nutrients.

Vitamin C is one of the factors promoting collagen synthesis. Also known as ascorbic acid, it also plays a role in the proper metabolism of our body.
Other nutrients, such as zinc and sulfur, also have an important function in collagen production. These nutrients can be found in food.
It is also possible to supplement as needed.

Collagen - collagens - are essential proteins for humans throughout their lives.
However, its production can be imbalanced by pathologies or with age.
If nutrition can sometimes suffice to support collagen production, it can be accompanied by the intake of dietary supplements.
Depending on life cycles, it may therefore be necessary to supplement: what if it was time to boost your collagen naturally?
Trust your health to Biocyte, the French laboratory expert in dietary supplements!
